According to statistics, the sick fungus of 20% of the population. Many allowed the disease to take its course, and then the pity, because as the disease progresses, moves on to other areas of the skin and even internal organs, appear complications, the patient mushroom presents the aesthetic and physical discomfort.
Appears the disease on any part of the body: the skin, internal organs, bone tissues, for example, of the nail plate. As soon as the first signs of the disease, there is an urgent need to go to a dermatologist for a treatment has been progressive, and the patient is free of pain, to the various drawbacks.
When the fungus feet the first symptoms usually appear between the fingers. Here arises the itching, inflammation, dryness and flaking. There are several types of fungus between the fingers, according to him are changing, and the medication. Do these need a specialist. In this article, to explain what is fungus between the toes of the foot there are symptoms, causes, as it can heal, take pictures.
The causes of fungal infection between fingers of feet
Regardless of the location of the lesions caused by a fungal infection, the etiology of the disease remains constant. 60 to 70% of the people who call on a doctor, the fungus causes exactly the kind of dermatophytes. But it is precisely to identify the needs to the doctor. You receive a mushroom for the following reasons:
- When visiting public places where there is a microclimate that is warm and humid, with a high risk of getting. This applies to employee data, and not only to visitors. In this case, it is necessary to observe measures of prevention.
- Transmission of infection from a family member or cohabitant of the home. A common soil or a carpet can become a source of disease, and in families even more high risk because they have usually taken the common hygiene: wash cloths, bath towels, nail clippers, toiletries, a variety of hygiene products.
- The port of a foreign clothing (socks) or shoes.
- A higher risk of infection in at-risk individuals, especially patients with a poor immune system protection, beriberi, living in places with bad environmental situation from diseases of the endocrine system, such as obesity and diabetes, or cardiovascular systems, or people who take antibiotics and hormonal drugs excessive, with increase of sweating and dryness of the feet, the pregnant women.
- The pathology of the skin of the feet and between the fingers.
- Wounds, scratches and cuts between the fingers.
- Poor blood circulation in the legs.
The symptoms of the fungal infection between fingers of feet
The fungus between the fingers appears to be due to the multiplication of fungi of the genus, such as mold, dermatophytes, yeast.
The manifestations of the disease can be divided into phase.
Thus, at the beginning of the disease is usually the fungus grows in secret. The fungus infects the area between the average, anonymous fingers and the little finger on his feet. Then the disease progresses and passes over the foot.
- The first step, the so-called erased, is characterized by dryness of the skin between the toes, because of it on the cover cracks over the entire foot and interdigital area, there is a peeling of the top layer of the dermis. The patient may complain of pain, itching and a burning sensation in the affected areas. This phase can be is not as noticeable to the patient, so that he does not deem it necessary to contact a dermatologist. It is very important to diagnose the disease at this stage, in order to prevent complications and the progression of the disease.
- The second step – disgidroticheskaya. The manifestations of this phase are perceptible to the patient, if the sick are turning to the experts. In a second phase, the skin appear papules and inflamed. The skin thickens, the more visible, the fingers, the swollen legs. The itching is unbearable, the patient complained of severe pains, especially when walking. The stadium brings many physical ailments.
- The third – stage squamous gipertroficescoy. As the disease progresses, the skin becomes bad in appearance, thickens. The cracks become larger and deeper, are formed exesa sites. On the fingers, and between them there is a whitish plaque. The itching may be the same or intensify.
- The fourth and last step – intertriginous. At this stage, the affected areas are filled with pus, the inflammation in the red plots are highly visible. The patient difficult to move because of the pain of the feet when walking. Swelling of legs, blisters burst and leave open sores, which leads to a secondary infection. The disease spreads to other parts of the feet, including nail plate.
Treatment of the fungal infection between fingers of feet
The dermatologist performs all procedures necessary for accurate diagnosis of the disease. Installs kind of fungus, which has hit the skin.
There is a method of self-diagnosis of the mycosis, whose feet are immersed in a solution of potassium permanganate and leave it on for ten minutes. Health of the skin is painted, ill, not even. You can identify the disease early in its development and in the time to consult a physician.
The doctor queries the patient. What are its symptoms, how long have appeared the disease, there are diseases of internal organs. Then, the dermatologist performed a visual inspection affected areas. Does a biopsy of the skin, in order to specify the type of fungus. Also for the diagnosis and the drafting of one of the treatments methods are the following:
- The study of the skin in the lamp-light of the black light (Lamp Wood). This procedure takes place quite quickly – no more than a minute, because the ultraviolet light can be detrimental to the health.
- Bacteriological seeding takes place in a period of 20 days, but with this method, you can exactly define the view of late blight and the continuation of the progress of the treatment.
The doctor also determines the degree of immune protection. Tells whether and how to treat fungus between the toes.
As practice shows, the best results can be obtained by applying the different forms of medication. This treatment is called complex, it includes the application of different forms of medicines (ointments, creams, sprays), the passage of various procedures, the use of recipes of traditional medicine to strengthen the effectiveness of the medication. Assign the services of treatment shall be the treating physician. The length of treatment may be placed on one month and several years, depending on the species of fungus and the stage of the disease.
Are generally used with the following medications:
- Hormonal tools mycosis between the toes. They include the active substance, which represents the hormone. It is the most effective means, but apply only on prescription and medications do not help.
- Common ointments, creams, gels, drops, sprays. The most common type of medication for the treatment.
- Vitamins and mineral substances.
During the treatment, you can go to the physiotherapy, and it is recommended to follow the proper diet to improve metabolism and strengthen immunity.
Treatment of the fungus between the toes of folk remedies
Family medicine in its self-manifestation of the therapeutic effect of practically does not, but if combined with drugs in the context of adjuvant therapy as a supplement, the result can very please. Treat the fungus between the toes of the feet to the house without a consultation with a specialist is not recommended.
Many drugs are forbidden to pregnant women, lactating mothers and children, cause an allergic reaction in patients due to synthetic composition. In this case, without recourse to natural remedies not to do so. Before using home remedies, it is necessary to check the patient to an allergic reaction.
Usually, for the treatment of the fungus between the fingers, use of baths with various ingredients, such as:
- The salt and the bicarbonate of soda. You can apply the bath tub with these components separately and together. In the water, lower the legs for 15-20 minutes before the procedure, you should rinse and dry the feet. After the procedure is also dry with a towel, wear socks.
- The apple and wine vinegar effectively destroy the fungi. In the water, concentrated vinegar, throw in the feet for 10 to 15 minutes after the procedure the leg is not dried.
- The decoction of the plant is also very effective. Its brewed and insist, add in the tanks and maintain it at his feet for 20 minutes. This procedure may be spending two times per week.
Also common recipes of lotions. Them moisten the cotton swab and treat the affected areas. For compresses use the following tools:
- The solution of potassium permanganate to treat the skin and leave to rest for fifteen minutes. After the procedure, it is necessary to rinse well with the tool.
- Treat the skin of the onion the juice within a period of ten minutes.
Treatment of the fungal infection between the toes medicinal drugs and methods

As it has already been said, the best treatment is complex. It includes the use of medicines in different forms. The adult is usually prescribed for more severe creams and pills, gels, and creams.
Drugs against late blight are available in the forms:
- Ointments, creams, gels.
- Sprays, aerosols.
- The drops in.
- The tablets and solutions for injection.
The medications can be hormones in the composition, in this case, you can not use it for children, pregnant and lactating women, because they are very active an impact on the body. Assign can-your doctor, the medication did not help. Hormone drugs list of contraindications and side effects.
The prevention of fungal infection between fingers of feet
For an effective treatment and to prevent re-infestation by fungi between the toes, it is recommended to follow the preventive measures:
- Increase the immunity. For this, it is necessary to eat well, you may experience mild physical, moderate, drinking of vitamins. Do not admit to an overdose of drugs.
- Pay attention to the general state of the health, cure the diseases of the internal organs.
- Avoid mechanical damage on the feet.
- Try not to visit public places, where might be inhabitable fungal cells.
- Do not give to a stranger and do not use other clothing and shoes.
- Heal all the sick by the fungus of the members of the family.
- Respect the rules of hygiene.
- Quick access to a doctor.